Studying in Miami is possible, in 2012 the Florida Public Education System ranked first in the nation in teacher quality. It was first in the nation in placement of students in advanced classes, and first in the southern region in terms of graduation rate and diplomas awarded by the Florida College System. In an international reading assessment, fourth-graders from Florida ranked second in the world, behind only students from Hong Kong.

How much does it cost to study in Miami?

The school system provides transportation, if needed, printed and digital books, at no cost. Some magnet schools even provide lap-tops or I-pads to facilitate studies.

School uniforms cost about $70.00 and usually what is purchased are shirts and school logos.

All of Miami’s public schools offer English classes for students who speak other languages. This educational program is called ESOL (English Speakers Other Languages)

All public schools are assessed annually through tests taken in math, writing, reading and science. With these results, and taking into consideration other factors such as the variation of graduates, student participation, etc., schools are rated with a simple scale of A, B, C, D, and F. This evaluation determines the funds allocated to schools and the retention or not of educators.

This qualification is fundamental for the choice of schools for your children, and consequently of the area where you live.

If you are interested in a private school, the costs can vary greatly depending on the institution chosen:

Monthly payments: can be around $300.00, plus other expenses to take into account.

Books: $200.00.

Income share: $4,000.00.

Transportation: $150.00 per month.
